Are You Getting Enough To Eat? Five Signs That You Need To Eat More

Are you getting enough to eat? This might seem like a ridiculous question at first glance, but it’s actually a very important topic. If you’re following a low-calorie diet, eating too little can actually impede weight loss. It can slow your body’s metabolism and also make it harder to absorb the vital nutrients and vitamins that you need to stay healthy. Not eating enough has harmful effects on your health, both physically and mentally.
Here are five symptoms that you’re not getting enough to eat, and what you can do about it.
You’re constantly hungry. This is the most obvious sign that you’re not getting enough to eat. If your calorie intake drops low enough, it will trigger hunger pains. Eating small meals throughout the day can help combat feelings of hunger, and people who eat this way also have a 45% lower risk of becoming obese.
You’re often anxious and irritable. “Hanger,” a combination of hunger and anger, is a real thing. If you’re not eating enough, you’re not able to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. This means that your moods can swing wildly and lead to feelings of anxiety, irritability, and depression.
You’re always tired, even when you wake in the morning. Undereating can have dramatic effects on sleep quality. One study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews indicated that people who didn’t get enough calories had frequent interruptions when they rested, preventing them from entering deep sleep. This leads to feeling tired and sluggish throughout the day. Hunger pangs can also make it hard to fall asleep. Try a little snack before bed if hunger is keeping you awake.
You always feel weak and fatigued. You need energy, in the form of calories, to keep your body fueled for all the activities you put it through. If you’re consuming fewer calories than you need, your body could start breaking down glycogen, which is needed for high-performance activities such as exercise. Try to focus on eating more high-energy foods such as eggs, beans, and bananas.
Your weight loss has leveled off. If you’re consistently not getting the calories you need, your metabolism is going to slow down as a result. This means that your weight loss will also slow down. You need to do a reassessment of your eating habits and adjust them to your level of physical activity.
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